Archive for the ‘Dork Mom’ Category

Knotty Clothes

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Does anyone else ever have this experience? You go to fold a basket of freshly washed and dried laundry, only to find this:

And this:

That’s four different articles of clothing thoroughly intertwined in one of the most intricate knots I’ve ever had the pleasure of undoing. And I had already removed two other shirts from the knot before I took the picture.

What I want to know is, does this happen to everyone else? Is there some housewife laundry trick that I don’t know about that would save me from spending 30 minutes unwrapping my clean and dry clothes before I can even fold them?

Anyone have any ideas?


As a side note, my king-size sheets always come out of the dryer in a twisted ball, so if this is some laundry-related mistake that I’m making, at least I’m making it consistently.

It’s a…

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

That’s right, we learned the sex of the new baby (affectionately called “pickle”). Would you like to know? How about if I just tell you by not telling you. I’ll tell you by showing you a selection of goodies that I’d really like to buy for Pickle.

Ok, enough of that. Enjoy.

We’ll start with this little number from Earth Groovz.

And these little cuties from Dog Gone Knitting.

Whales have always been known for their warming abilities, so Pickle will love these in the winter, from Luna.

And a little something to keep her noggin warm through the Maine winter, from Cite Fuzz.

While I’m at it, this one is for Dash.

Oh, I’ve been admiring the girl’s clothing sections ever since I found out I was pregnant with Dash. Not that I haven’t managed to find some good duds for him, but girls just have it so much easier. The selection is really amazing compared to the cargo pants and rugby shirts for boys.

So, little Pickle and I will be having far too much fun picking out clothes and accessories. And being one of very few girls in the family means she’s going to be spoiled with little dresses and skirts.

I say bring it on. Me and the Pickle? We’re ready.


Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Interrupting this list of Bestest Summer Moments to insert a quick least bestest (worstest?) moment from today.

That would be the moment I nearly killed my beloved husband.

Coming home from a morning out at the thrift shop and picking up some more coffee at Zarra’s, I’m looking forward to getting in the house and making a little lunch. I’d already gone without a mid-morning snack which is very unlike my pregnant self. Translation: do not stand between me and the refridgerator. Or a burrito.

I start making sandwiches (one for each of us, i’m not THAT hungry) while Neil carries a sleeping Dash up to his room.

Lightbulb goes off in my head!

I made french onion dip yesterday and there’s a whole lot of it waiting for me in the fridge! I tore into the fridge, practically salivating (I didn’t say this story was pretty) at what I’d find.

And what did I find, you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No bowl of dip. Not even a little. Depression and disbelief sets in as I scanned the counter. And what did I find there? Dirty dip bowl, scraped of all its goodness. Depression set in deeper and I dipped a toe in the lake of rage.

I walked quietly upstairs to where Neil is working, contemplating divorce. “I am so mad at you right now,” I seethed.

Bewildered and a little scared, Neil barely got to wonder why before I let him know exactly what I thought of what he did. Then he confessed that since it was trash day, he took it upon himself to go through the fridge and toss anything that looked like it’d been hanging around for a month or more. He thought I would love him for it. Most wives would.

Anger melting, I had to admit that if you didn’t know you were looking at french onion dip, you’d definitely think a bowl of yogurt had gone terribly wrong. And smelled terribly wrong.

So I get it. I do. And it turns out that love can survive a husband messing with his pregnant wife. But it doesn’t put the dip back in the bowl, now does it?

In summary, I will be home the rest of the afternoon. Please come by with dip.

A Nice Cold Drink

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

Would be really nice right now. 

Makes Cold Drinks Taste Better

Ah pregnancy. You’ve got me for another long, hot summer. Guess I’ll put this in the Shop and go have a glass of lemonade instead.

Happy 4th everyone! We’ll be at the parade in Freeport, followed by a craft fair at the brand new Freeport Square Gallery, and then off to a family barbecue. As it should be.

See y’all on Monday.

Built By Wendy… for me

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Enjoying a lunch of sushi on the couch while flipping through the mail. Mostly bills and a Parenting magazine (do we still get that? when does it expire?).

I turn to the internet to entertain me and I am not disappointed.

I now covet need must have this:


I Must Have This Dress