The days are getting shorter and the wind a little more crisp around these parts. We’re sailing quickly in to Winter. (Was anyone else surprised to realize that Thanksgiving is next week? Wasn’t it September just yesterday?) We’ve been taking a lot of walks, hoping to get lots of outdoor time in before it gets really cold. With promises of snow falling sometime this weekend, it looks like we might be running out of time. You see, I’m not what you’d call lover of winter. It’s just so darned long and cold up here.
But you know what I do love about Winter? Hats. Scarves. Mittens. Slippers. Warmth. And here are some of my recent faves for keeping all the bits warm:

GlitzConcepts Monkey Hat.
Dash looks extremely cute in hats, but he’s not much for keeping them on. I think we might stand a chance with this monkey hat. Hopefully it would take him a while to figure out how to get it off. Super glue anyone?

Adorable Cloche of Red by BoringSidney
Adorable is right! Consider this added to my Christmas list.

Linen Scarf from MyCabinDoor
I’m totally in love with the scarves at MyCabinDoor. And she’s a fellow coastal Mainer!

Kimono Slippers for tiny, stylish feet at Happyexpat