Neil and Dash went out to the post office tonight while I made dinner (chicken and veggie quesadillas with a side of spicy black beans, yum). It’s the only time during the day when I can have a few minutes to myself and crank the volume on our stylin’ kitchen boom box.
Tonight it was Queen’s Greatest Hits (on cassette). Man do I love me some Freddy Mercury. And you can’t help but sing along to this one, no matter how high your voice goes.
“What do you mean, Flash Gordon approaching?”
So there I am, all rock n’ roll and quesadilla fixins when it struck me just how long it’s been since I’ve been out to hear music, go dancing, or just be. out.
It’s not like we haven’t gone to occasional movie or dinner since Dash (DASH! A-aaaaa!) was born, but it suddenly occurred to me that there were years when I was single and child-free and went out all the time and took every single moment of it for granted. And I had no idea I was doing it.
Sound familiar? I think it’s probably pretty common. And it’s also a total tangent that I didn’t mean to go off on. What I wanted to say was,
When I was in my third trimester with Dash (DASH! A-aaaaa!), I reached a point where, though I was huge and tired and just wanted to sleep, I really needed to be out doing something active and fun. Cut to one Friday night when I told Neil he was taking me out dancing for 80s night at a local bar. We danced for hours (with me sitting with my feet up for any song I didn’t find worth wasting my lagging energy for) and had so much fun.
Two weeks before Dash (DASH! A-aaaaa! ok, i’m done, sorry) was born, I danced well into the night at Jessica’s birthday party- which was dj’d by the same person who does the 80’s night, coincidentally. The same guy who will play Come on Eileen every time you ask. And I did.
That night, I danced to some amused looks, nervous smiles, and some downright, “holy crap, is she going to birth that thing right here?” looks. Every time I got up to dance, a circle formed around me and I strangely didn’t mind. I was in some kind of dancing like I’ll never get to dance again frenzy.
(If you’re still reading this, thank you. I’m obviously in a blabbering place tonight.)
So anyway, it’s the third trimester again and I am feeling the need to get out and hear some really good music and/or go dancing. Any suggestions? What I really would love is to see a Queen tribute band…
Until then, I’ll be content with the outings we go on these days, the three of us.

Location scouting for Neil's dog training DVDs
And content with the small daily pleasures, like crazy bed hair:

I have no idea why this photo comes out sideways.
And very content with this:

Which apparently has a little girl inside that looks something like this stock illustrated baby, though I look nothing like this stock illustrated mom. What’s with the long and lean thing? You’re 31 weeks pregnant:

Ok, I’m off to bed. Just because there was a great show about Nixon on at 3am last night/morning doesn’t make up for the fact that I was up when I should have been resting. Good night!