November 28th, 2010
And how was your Thanksgiving? Mine was full of family, food (lots and lots of food), old friends, kids (always), and not a lot of sleep. Oh well. It was tasty anyway.
And then just like that, we ushered in the holiday season. Thanksgiving and fall decor is tucked away and the house is well on its way to full-on Christmas. Love it.
You are in the mood for it, right? You’re with me? I hope so, but if not, please listen to this. This could not fail to convert you to the holiday spirit.
Listen to BandAid here.
Right? Did it work? I knew it! You’re welcome.
I’ve been channeling all this holiday spirit into updating the shops and prepping items for Cyber Monday and the following hectic shopping days. I’ve decided to offer free shopping on everything in The General Store. That’s free. Shipping. On. Everything.
And over at Happydashery, you’ll find lots of new items, lots of good prices, and free shipping on all books and holiday items! Hopefully that makes holiday shopping a little easier for you. I’m no big-box store, but I’m doing my part.
So happy holiday season to everyone! Hopefully I’ll be back soon with more from home, thrifting, kids, crafting, life, and stuff.
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October 26th, 2010
This is what it’s come to.
A simple inquiry by Neil’s grandmother about what I spent my birthday money on set me to thinking, “I’m pretty sure I just deposited that in the old checking account as any responsible young parent might do. But here she is reminding me that I should have something nice. I’m pretty sure she’s right. I’m nice. I deserve something nice. That money should not buy two jumbo packs of diapers or a metric ton of GoGo Squeeze.
Cut to a few days later where I’ve all but convinced myself I deserve some very nice things, and right away. Kids are in bed (score!), freelance project is waiting (i’ll get to you, just give me a minute to myself!), and I find myself on Etsy. I had seen a blog post somewhere about someone who upgraded from a jewelry box for her many many necklaces, to some delightful wall hooks, thereby putting said jewelry on display which is a) pretty, and b) a reminder to put on some jewelry you pretty thing!
It wasn’t much of a leap to, “Hey, maybe if I had hooks, I’d wear my four necklaces sometime too.” (I might have more than four, but not many more. I strive to have more. Listening Neil?)
So I find these simple vintage wall hooks and this eye-catching red number:

And it’s giving me something to think about. I haven’t put anything in the shopping bag yet because the search results for “wall hooks” in the Vintage category keeps coming up with these beautiful vintage hand-hooked rugs.
That’s right, the Other hookers.
And I can’t help myself, but I think I’ve found my new obsession.

Love love love these little gems. I want to own them pronto. But my question is this: do these vintage pieces fit in with modern decor? Where do they go? Wall? Floor? Bedroom? Bathroom?
Where would you put them? And which one should I buy with my birthday money first? I’m eager to support the hookers.
Posted in Misc. | 1 Comment »
August 12th, 2010
Just stopping by to say Ican’tbelieveIhaven’twritteninsolong! Wow.
And also to say that I will be back. With actual interesting things to say and pictures and everything. It’s gonna be good.
See you soon.
Posted in Misc. | 4 Comments »
January 28th, 2010
Breakfast just hasn’t been the same lately. Our favorite cereal (and snack food), Purely O’s, has had a recipe change for the worse. It used to be nearly sugar-free and actually taste like oats (think less sweet and organic version of Cheerios), something I felt good giving Dash and Zella.
Now there is TRIPLE the sugar, plus molasses, and corn in the new Purely O’s recipe. And they didn’t even bother to let their customers know.
There is much discourse in the blogosphere about this very cereal. Lots of angry former customers wondering what a good replacement is for their favorite cereal. What can they give their kids to snack on? What can diabetics and people with corn allergies eat now? Anyone… ideas?
I’m really irritated about it, honestly. I’ve registered our complaint with the company and I’m hoping for the best. Maybe they’ll go back to the old formula. Kind of like how New Coke slowly faded away….
Let them know how you feel here:
Or call: 1-800-624-4123 between (7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CT, weekdays)
And lastly, join the facebook group: We Want the Old Purely O’s Back! Please Lose the Sugar, Cascadian Farm!
Posted in Food, People...really. | 4 Comments »
December 29th, 2009
Question: Can you make my sandwich into a camel?
Answer: Hells yeah.

Posted in Dashiell, Dork Mom, Food | 1 Comment »