Lost and found

LOST: Time.

Specifically last Wednesday through now. Where did you go? The CSA shipment arrived Wednesday evening with fresh vegetables and then I woke up and realized we’re getting another shipment tomorrow. It’s already almost NEXT Wednesday.
I really hate wasting this food! I don’t like wasting any food, but this is super-fresh food that we intentionally seek out and bring into our home. Bad Tonya.

Time to go to the fridge and see just how bad I should feel….

Hmm… well, I’m surprised. We did better than I realized. Just some tired old lettuce, some still viable string beans, and these gorgeous potatoes.

Maine potatoes purple red

And now to feed my family using just ordinary household items and the food above… got it. Pork chops (marinating in olive oil, thyme from the garden, salt and pepper) and a little mix of potatoes, onion, string beans, onion, and more thyme, salt and pepper. Yum.

Dessert? Mangoes were on sale at Wild Oats so I think I’ll make something called a Mango Fool. Why do I think it’s called that for a reason? Will I be the fool at the end of this experiment? Let’s hope not. The recipe says to freeze leftovers for really good ice cream, which in these hot hot days sounds awfully good.

FOUND: The letter D

D is for Dashiell

I saw this on our walk yesterday. No other letters. Just the D. How perfect is that?

3 Responses to “Lost and found”

  1. Neil Says:

    Absolutely the best dinner yet. Each dinner is.

  2. jennifer anniston Says:

    Alright, so I just found out a friend of a friend is one of the editors on Flight of the Conchords. We need to get some freebies out of this, right?

    (While I cannot speak to your dinner last night, I can say the fool was fabulous)

  3. HappyDash Says:

    Are you kidding? Get on that! I need me some Bret and Jemaine.

    About the fool, turns out you’re a fool if you DON’T make it, not the other way around as I feared.