Halloween 2009
For the last month or so, Dash has gone back and forth between two potential costumes; a fire fighter and a garbage man. This boy lives to serve the public, what can I say?
When it came down to the money, he had to go with his current toddler crush. I get it. They smell way better than garbage men.

Standing very still for a picture
And they’re much cuter too. This is one pair of everyday rubber boots, black pants, suspenders (!), red shirt, thrifted red raincoat with strategically placed stripes of electrical tape, and one twelve-year-old, taped together fire fighter’s hat.
And though we spend a lot of the day putting out fires all over the house, the costume lasted about four minutes and hasn’t been spoken of since.
Oh and if you were wondering, Zella decided to be a 10-month old adorable baby for Halloween. No costume necessary.
Trick or treat!